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235 items found for "bluefish-games"

  • Review: The Curious Elevator Of Mr. Hincks | Bluefish Games

    ► SECTION I • QUICK GLANCE ◄ ◣ GAME FACTS 🎮 Game: The Curious Elevator Of Mr. I've known Bluefish Games creators, Ace and Anna, for a quite a while. Games, or at least Mr. Games website. Hincks • "BFGElevator" ⤻ Search For All Posts With Key Word(s): "Bluefish Games" or "Curious Elevator

  • Review: The Hincks Gazette (Vol 1, Issue 2 to 7) | Bluefish Games

    RECOMMENDED The Hincks Gazette | Bluefish Games OFFICIAL PREMISE "Hello, Puzzler. I'm Mr. Hincks. The Hincks Gazette | Bluefish Games OVERALL IMPRESSIONS One of the most memorable moments in "The Curious The Hincks Gazette | Bluefish Games STORY ➤ Each issue features a distinct and humorous breaking news ones featured in Bluefish's previous game and weekly puzzle email, and have now become synonymous with The Hincks Gazette | Bluefish Games RECAP SO FAR...

  • Review: Game 7: Publish Or Perish [Bobblehead Edition] | Paruzal Games

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Denver, CO, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games escape games are truly booming during a great year of Zoom-based gaming. Game 7: Publish Or Perish [Bobblehead Edition] | Paruzal Games There isn't much smoke and mirrors with Game 7: Publish Or Perish [Bobblehead Edition] | Paruzal Games Production-wise, the artwork featured Game 7: Publish Or Perish [Bobblehead Edition] | Paruzal Games EXTRA TIPS ★ Pen, paper, and actual note

  • Review: Game 01: The Lost Knowledge | Enigma Fellowship

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Germany OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Puzzle Mail Subscription Service 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty for this game has earned my respect. Game 01: The Lost Knowledge | Enigma Fellowship READY FOR FUN? "Game 01: The Lost Knowledge" is available for purchase/subscription HERE.

  • Review: Taco TWOsday | Trapped Puzzle Rooms Trapped Takeout

    . ▪ Classified As: Play At Home » Puzzle Game In A Box (Package) ▪ A taco-themed game night for two ( hits the spot. ▪ If you enjoy these similar/related options: Alone Together series, Unboxing The Mind, Bluefish Games products. The game will feel familiar... but better. Additionally, by keeping all game materials pristine--unmarked or unwritten on--the entire game can be

  • Review: Unlocked: Rogue Scientist 1990 | The Escape Game: Unlocked

    Unlocked: Rogue Scientist 1990 from The Escape Game (Based In The United States) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Recommended for ages 12 and up, but appropriate for all ages But no time limit to game play. 🔢 Recommended for 1 to 4 players by company. 💬 Hints available in Clues and answer reveal sequentially by player. 🛒 If you PURCHASE GAME due to this blog, please give ◣ TIPS ★ You'll need more than just your browser for an early part of this game.

  • Review: Hanna Unlocked | The Escape Game: Unlocked

    GAME FACTS 🎮 Game: Hanna Unlocked 💪 Difficulty: N/A ⏲️ Time: N/A 🧑 Capacity: N/A 🏢 Company Prime Video ⌨️ To Access Game ◣ FORMAT SPECS 🕹️ Format: Online Puzzle Game 💻 Platform: Web Browser Oh, step number 1, how you started off the game on the wrong foot. It's a tedious task, within an escape game or otherwise. from the seasoned producers of The Escape Game is always worth the time.

  • Review: Game On! UNLOCKED Arcade | UNLOCKED: Escape Room

    Game On! Game On! (And video games! Game On! Unlike its predecessor, "Game On!

  • Review: Truth Seekers Remote Adventure | The Escape Game & Amazon Prime Video

    the first time The Escape Game has partnered with Amazon Prime Video before. Fun fact: a wireless router fell from the ceiling during a reveal mid-game. PRODUCTION ➤ Because this game is hosted by an industry veteran, The Escape Game, great quality is to A modified set from "The Heist" | The Escape Game & Amazon Prime Video IMMERSION ➤ For the same reasons Do this. ★ It's free entertainment powered by none other than THE Escape Game!

  • Review: The Heist (Remote) | The Escape Game (Nashville)

    The Escape Game presents... "THE HEIST" (REMOTE VERSION) ► VENUE AND GAME INFORMATION ◄ 🏢 COMPANY: The Escape Game 🏘️ ADDRESS: ) 💻 WEBSITE: Game Info | More Game Info | To Book This Game ⏲️ TIME LIMIT: 60 Minutes 💬 DIFFICULTY: Came game day, I was pumped. Next, you got a separate game master, which is usually absent or not visibly present during game play

  • Review: The A.I. | Exit Game (Los Angeles)

    . | Exit Game (Los Angeles) GAME INFO COMPANY: Exit Game (Los Angeles) ADDRESS: 111 N Atlantic Blvd Ste 148, Monterey Park, CA 91754 GAME: The A.I. return to Exit Game. AI is essentially a video game that's come to life. You enter the game at novice mode with 60 minutes to beat the boss.

  • Review: A Death In The Red Light | Mystery City Games

    GAME FACTS 🎮 Game: A Death In The Red Light 💪 Difficulty: N/A ⏲️ Time: 120 Minutes 🧑 Capacity : N/A 🏢 Company: Mystery City Games 🏘️ Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands 🛒 To Purchase Game ◣ FORMAT may not be an ideal game for younger audience. a little footnote On the official game webpage, at the bottom lies the message, "All our games are historically We hope you enjoy playing our games as much as we enjoy making them!"

  • Review: Chapter 1, Game 3: Distress Call From Outer Space | Scarlet Envelope

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Canada OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Puzzle Mail Subscription Service 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty UNABRIDGED EDITION Just when I thought I knew what to expect from Scarlet Envelope, Game 3 "Distress With this installment, the clues, the game format, and the difficulty--everything changed. Whew. When I played through Game 1 and Game 2, sure, there were moments of bewilderment, but never a sense

  • Review: Disrupted Decades | Level Games

    Level Games presents... Lankershim Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91601 Game Name: [CLOSED] Disrupted Decades Time Limit: 75 Minutes Room For a game intended for 60 minutes of game play, there wasn't a whole lot to do. Yes, Level Games does charge a bit more than its usual competitors, and after playing both games, I do | Level Games Fun to note: Life Magazine & Polaroid are still going strong these days | Level Games Signing

  • Review: Legacy: Hellas 2019 (Demo Version) | Argyx Games

    Legacy: Hellas 2019 (Demo Version) from Argyx Games (Based In France) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Escape Game Puzzle Box 💪 Recommended for ages 14+ by company. ⏲️ Check for details. 🛒 If you PREORDER GAME due to this blog, please give a shout With his dying words, "I want to play a game," he says. Who are you, Jigsaw?! Legacy: Hellas 2019 (Demo Version) | Credits: Argyx Games "Doh!"

  • Review: The Cabin | Containment Escape Games

    We did REALLY WELL in the first 30 minutes... then it went south ▪ Containment Escape Games GAME INFO COMPANY: Containment Escape Games ADDRESS: 936 W Foothill Blvd, Claremont, CA 91711 GAME: The Cabin The game was heavily padlocks based, with a few techs thrown in. We also got a chance to interact with the owners a bit more after the game. We will surely return when new games are available!

  • Review: Escape The Hydeout | Mission Escape Games (Anaheim)

    Anaheim) GAME INFO COMPANY: Mission Escape Games (Anaheim Branch) ADDRESS: 400 Disney Way Ste 313 Anaheim , CA 92802 GAME: Escape The Hydeout PREMISE: The good Dr. If you know your escape room logic well, you'll champion in this game. Seeing a child fully integrated in-game, and being as mesmerized as I was in the very same hobby, was See you again soon, Mission Escape Games!

  • Review: Chapter 1, Game 2: Cabaret In Lapin Blanc | Scarlet Envelope

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Canada OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand players to the city of Paris, France in the year 1899, through supernatural means. ➲ Game play has For Game 2, we see ourselves landing in Paris, France, in 1899. Game 2 provides minimal explicit instruction to start, even less so than Game 1, (at least for the "experienced "Chapter 1, Game 2 (Cabaret in Lapin Blanc)" is available for purchase/subscription HERE.

  • Review: Chapter 1, Game 1: Newspaper: Introduction To Mysteries | Scarlet Envelope

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Canada OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand It also gives you teasers of the storyline-based games that are ahead of you!) backside along with a big game number indicator "SE I". The main game flow, otherwise, isn't hard to pick up. Upon game completion, you will meet the "Game Master". A friend or a foe?

  • Review: The Psych Ward | Cross Roads Escape Games

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Anaheim, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 💪 Difficulty: Every game actual game. Thanks, Michaela, our in-game GM/actress, for moderating the game well. While attempt was made to explain how this worked prior to game, it was done rather hastily pre-game, The Psych Ward ▪ Cross Roads Escape Games READY FOR FUN?

  • Review: It's A Doggy Dog World | Level Games

    Level Games presents... 5000 Lankershim Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91601 Game Name: It's A Doggy Dog World Game Website: Click Here Doggy Dog World at Level Games has been voted one of the best Escape Rooms in Los Angeles. / This game For a game intended for 60 minutes of game play, there wasn't a whole lot to do. Yes, Level Games does charge a bit more than its usual competitors, and after playing both games, I do

  • Review: Dr Von E. Scape | Containment Escape Games

    Oh, we killed something that night, all right | Containment Escape Games GAME INFO COMPANY: Containment Escape Games ADDRES: 936 W Foothill Blvd, Claremont, CA 91711 GAME: Dr Von E. Scape THEME: Psychotic Physician, Hellish Clinic GAME REVIEW Here is a carbon copy of my Yelp review, game was the element of personalization. Nic even recalled the Pokemon shirt that I wore in my previous game.

  • Review: The Asylum | Cross Roads Escape Games

    GAME INFO COMPANY: Cross Roads Escape Games ADDRESS: 4245 E La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92807 GAME: The This game is usually a travel demo game available at cons only. a special, & it was only $10 per game for 2 players. (Game must be played with in pair.) I missed out, of course. Then we got thrown into the padded cell; the game commenced!

  • Review: Trapped Escape Room Game Packs: The Bank Job | The Fantastic Factory & SolidRoots

    Game Website | Company Site (UK) | Company Site (US) | Based In: UK & USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay UNABRIDGED EDITION Trapped Escape Room Game Packs are ready-for-play game kits that transform any ordinary Costing at about $15 to 20 USD per game, understandably, the game kit only contains paper-based materials Pack into a tabletop game. "Trapped Escape Room Game Packs (The Bank Job)" is available for purchase HERE.

  • Review: The Disappearance Of DJ McDee | Clue Cracker Live Escape Games

    ◣ VENUE FACT SHEET 🏢 COMPANY: Clue Cracker Live Escape Games • Website • Online Games 🏘️ ADDRESS: 68 St John's Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 9PE • Google Map 🗾 COUNTRY: United Kingdom ◣ GAME INFO & ACCESS 🕹️ GAME: The Disappearance of DJ McDee (Online Puzzle Game) • Game Access ⏲️ DURATION: 30 Minutes 💬 The web interface was also intuitive, undoubtedly easy to use for even the most novice players: Game Clue Cracker online games seem to focus on gen 1 style game play, so you should theoretically always












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I am Matt, aka Escape Mattster (Matt + Master... It's a pun!). I am a Southern California-based escape rooms and puzzle games enthusiast from United States, chronicling my puzzling and brainteasing journey one passionate blog entry at a time!


Please stay and enjoy some of my signature in-depth, thoughtful, and geek-tastic reviews! And please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Copyright ©2019-2021. All rights reserved.


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