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235 items found for "bluefish-games"

  • Review: Have You Got What It Takes To Be An Elf? | Escape Room LA

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Los Angeles, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games Private booking. 💬 Hints: Given by game host when requested, presumably. can clear the game easily with 2. | Escape Room LA I was initially confused on how the game would go about. My game host was super polite, but I don't mind him loosening up a bit!

  • Review: Santa's Hard Disk Broke! | Can You Escape? Malta

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Il-Fgura, Malta OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Point & Click Escape Room 💪 Difficulty: Not specified. ⏲️ Time duration: 90 is a Christmas-themed online virtual escape game designed by the puzzle makers from Can You Escape? I have heard plenty of TV shows, movies, and games delineating various disasters on how Christmas would little bit of holiday puzzling fun, but just can't work out a decent schedule to book a live-hosted game

  • Review: Season 1 (Disappearance Of Claire Makova), Episode 1 | The Detective Society

    Disappearance Of Claire Makova, Episode 1 from The Detective Society (Based In The United Kingdom) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Puzzle Mail Subscription Service 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Recommended for ages 14+ by company. ⏲️ 90-120 minutes duration Two clues, then the actual answer, are available for sequential reveal. 📝 Game requires mail contents Check for details. 🛒 If you PURCHASE GAME due to this blog, please give a shout

  • Review: (Halloween) Survival Escape Training | clueQuest (Print + Cut + Escape)

    (This game was originally released as the "Halloween Survival Escape Training" episode, with the hope (Note: this game is not at all scary!) (Stolen IQ, timeQuest) and family friendly games (B.R.U.C.E. series). (The game is officially listed for 12 and up.) This is somewhat of a given with all "Print + Cut + Escape" games, however.

  • Review: timeQuest | clueQuest (Print + Cut + Escape)

    . ▪ Play At Home » Print & Play Puzzle Game YOU'LL ENJOY THIS, IF YOU... ▪ ...Are aged around 12, give or take a few years, and looking for a fun escape game to do at home. ▪ ...Are the parent of the above Please supervise children while playing if a similar sharp blade is used during the game | clueQuest (Game is designed for as young as 8.) Since this is a kids game, the images take on a comic book style approach.

  • Review: Mission One: The Heist & Mission Two: Cyborg Island | Agent Venture & The Adventure Is Real

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: United Kingdom OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Host Led Experience » Audio-Led Puzzle Mission/Escape Game 💪 Difficulty: Not specified. ⏲️ Time limit different people is not a brand new, though this is my first time actually participating in such a game Bozo, all his underlings, literally everyone, all under the care of the one same game master. EXTRA TIPS ★ Timing is extremely tight for Agent Venture games.

  • Review: Atlantis (360° Virtual Experience) | Escape Room LA

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Los Angeles, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Point & Click Escape Room 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Host Led Experience 💪 Difficulty Private booking. 💬 Hints: The game master monitoring may give hints when requested. The entire game is run on the Telescape interface technology. , much like in a live game, you can split up!

  • Review: Episode Two: Alpha Brain System | clueQuest (Print + Cut + Escape)

    . ▪ Play At Home » Print & Play Puzzle Game YOU'LL ENJOY THIS, IF YOU... ▪ ...Appreciate professionally ▪ ...Are a veteran escape game player and need something moderately challenging that easily passes 1 to 2 hours time. ▪ ...Fancy these (similar) titles: A mix between The Panic Room game format with CU The game format is branded as "Print + Cut + Escape" by UK escape room company publisher clueQuest. This sequel has elevated every single aspect of the game by drastic measures.

  • Review: The Haunted Theatre (360° Virtual Experience) | Escape Room LA

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Los Angeles, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Point & Click Escape Room 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Host Led Experience 💪 Difficulty Private booking. 💬 Hints: The game master monitoring may give hints when requested. Solve challenging puzzles and clues as you explore The Haunted Theatre – a large, intricate game that From start to finish, this is your game and no one else's.

  • Review: Super Squad | Trapped Puzzle Rooms Audio Escape Adventures

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Minnesota, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Host Led Experience » Audio-Led Escape Game 💪 Difficulty: Not specified. ⏲️ Time duration: 90 minutes Audio-led games, in contrast, are much more flexible and cost-effective to create and operate. ; and today, these games enjoy mainstream public recognition and even critical acclaims. masters who seem to have gotten hosting these formats of games down to an art.

  • Review: Floor 13 | CU Adventures In Time & Space

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Urbana, IL, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Point & Click Escape Room 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Print & Play (PDF File Based) Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty: Not specified. ⏲️ Time duration: 60-120 minutes The creators themselves must've felt the same sentiment, because new game "Floor 13" follows the exact (Details available on game site.) Below are some more key points you may wanna know...

  • Review: The Lost Temple | CU Adventures In Time & Space

    The Lost Temple from CU Adventures In Time & Space (Based In Urbana, IL, USA) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Point & Click Escape Room 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Print & Play (PDF File Based) Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty not specified by company. ⏲️ 60 The game I'm reviewing now is based on that very room. I've misjudged the game by its title from the very beginning.

  • Review: The Mystery Of Mayan Temple (Remote) | Mysterious Room (Pokoje Zagadek)

    separate, fully costumed (nice touch) avatar as our game proxy. and that's when the game switched gear drastically. only there were a few more puzzles embedded in the later scenes, these 4 temp-archeologists (featuring Bluefish This game is based in that universe, and he makes a cameo. ➲ You previously had fun with games covering . ➲ Be sure to have all specifications installed prior to game.

  • Review: Sector X: The B.R.U.C.E. Project (Part 1 & 2) | Bewilder Box & Eltham Escape Rooms

    GAME FACTS 🎮 Game: Sector X - The B.R.U.C.E. BRIEFS 📝 Game features synchronized interface for true, real time, co-op session. This is an escape game and a show! Sector 0, basically the tutorial on how to navigate the game, was cleverly written. Knowing most gamers wouldn't bother reading the instructions manual, the game designers unapologetically

  • Review: Lucky Heist | Lock And Mirrors

    "Lucky Heist" is a play-at-home, online puzzle game with a tad of print-and-play element, though printing The game interface runs on web browser like Chrome, and can be played on a desktop or a mobile device THEMING & PRODUCTION ▪ Originally released around early April, this literally luckily titled game offers While the goal of hunting treasures isn't the most unique, (just ask any other pirate booty escape games For other hardcore escape game lovers seeking a real challenge, this is probably not it.

  • Review: The Heist: Remote Avatar Experience (Remote) | Trapped Puzzle Rooms

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Saint Paul, MN, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games Now the same folks are venturing into a new territory of remote gaming: avatar-led, livestream escapes While this is a new endeavor for this company, avatar-hosted remote games have been a buzzing trend for To enter the market now, relatively late in the game, a new player better be ready... As mentioned, it was evident that a lot of work was done before the game's final public release.

  • Review: Mysterious Map Heist | Society Of Curiosities

    ✧ ► VENUE & GAME FACT SHEET ◄ 🏢 COMPANY: Society Of Curiosities 💻 WEBSITE: Company 🕹️ GAME: Mysterious Map Heist 💻 WEBSITE: Game Info | To Purchase This Game ⏲️ TIME DURATION: 30-90 Minutes 💬 DIFFICULTY This game can be played completely online. First of all, this is an essentially free game. (I've seen games that are a lot less entertaining, without half the innovation, cost around the same

  • Review: Tunnelling Through Time | Deadlocked Escape Rooms & Brunel Museum

    This is the same Joey from previous Deadlocked games. Though the same programming platform (Unity) is used to run both games, the augmented-reality puzzle However, the stronger puzzles in this game gave the characters a good run for their money--so let's just I would rate the overall game difficulty as a 5 to 6/10. ▪ The initial part of the game felt a bit similar The midway and arcade games-loving child in me had a field day!

  • Review: The Missed Flight | Puzzle Post

    ► SECTION I • QUICK GLANCE ◄ ◣ GAME FACTS 🎮 Game: The Missed Flight 💪 Difficulty: Recommended For Minutes 🧑 Capacity: N/A 🏢 Company: Puzzle Post 🏘️ Location: Based in United Kingdom 🛒 To Purchase Game ◣ FORMAT SPECS 🕹️ Format: By-Mail Puzzle Game ✂️ Tools: Scissors 💻 Platform: Web Browser, Mobile You don't just play one game, but 7 mini games for success. As a reviewer, after completing the entire game, I unlocked a warm and lovely greetings from creators

  • Review: The Story Begins... | Pod Klobukom (Under The Hat)

    All team members can log into our game application from their own device. (This game is the beginning of our "BIOHAZARD" trilogy.) I had roughly 30 minutes before eating supper; I started the game anyway. ▪ The game did start out quite It'd eventually take me the entire hour to finish the game. Perhaps this is why this game is my jam--this is what I love doing in the first place. ▪ For a game that

  • Review: Prehistoric Park | Trapped Puzzle Rooms Audio Escape Adventures

    🏘️ ADDRESS, BRANCH 2: 708 N 1st St, Minneapolis, MN 55401 • Google Map 🗾 COUNTRY: United States ◣ GAME INFO & BOOKING 🕹️ GAME: Prehistoric Park (Audio Led Escape Room) • Booking/Pricing ⏲️ DURATION: 90 THE REMAINING PIECES Other game components worthy of mention were our lovely game master, the many graphic Firstly, Kaylene was a highly trained, well oiled machine of a game host. descriptions and still images, the game host is a make or break role.

  • Review: Casino Mortale Online (Remote) | Sky High Escape Room

    "CASINO MORTALE ONLINE" (Remote Version) ✧ Mattster's Game #105 Overall; Game #10 for Remote ✧ (Played : Casino Mortale Online (Remote Version) 💻 WEBSITE: Game Info | To Book This Game ⏲️ TIME LIMIT: 60 to maximize your escape game pleasure? Came game day, I felt like I already knew everyone. (And the game starts now!)

  • Review: Haunted (Remote) | District 3 Escape Rooms

    ◣ VENUE FACT SHEET 🏢 COMPANY: District 3 Escape Rooms • Website • Online Games 🏘️ ADDRESS: 2237 6th ◣ GAME INFO & BOOKING 🕹️ GAME: Haunted (Remote Escape Room) • Booking/Pricing ⏲️ DURATION: 60 Minutes You take a quick glance at the game title, and thought, "Aw shi-" Conspicuously and appropriately titled Given the short pre-game synopsis, it came somewhat surprising that this game featured such an extensive Realistically, one would assume the game took place in an office building far smaller than an actual

  • Review: CSI: Stranglehold | The Panic Room

    ► SECTION I • INFO ◄ ◣ GAME FACTS 🎮 Game: CSI: Stranglehold 💪 Difficulty: Medium ⏲️ Time: About 1-2 Hours 🧑 Capacity: 1-8 Players 🏢 Company: The Panic Room • Online Games 🏘️ Location: Various In United Kingdom 🛒 To Purchase Game ◣ FORMAT SPECS 🕹️ Format: Online Puzzle Game 💻 Platform: "Stranglehold", however, point blank threw everything at me on the first game page. Consequently, in the initial stages, the game feels rather dry.

  • Review: Escape From The Maze Of The Minotaur | Solve Our Shirts By CU Adventures

    Solve the challenges of the labyrinth and face down the mighty minotaur in this full-length puzzle game In A Box (Package) ▪ A custom screen printed t-shirt that also functions as an at-home escape game. a bit lighter compared to the other games. to proceed. ▪ The game starts off quite easy, but it's just a warm-up. Now that leaves $25 for purely the gaming experience.












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I am Matt, aka Escape Mattster (Matt + Master... It's a pun!). I am a Southern California-based escape rooms and puzzle games enthusiast from United States, chronicling my puzzling and brainteasing journey one passionate blog entry at a time!


Please stay and enjoy some of my signature in-depth, thoughtful, and geek-tastic reviews! And please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Copyright ©2019-2021. All rights reserved.


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