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235 items found for "mobile-escape"

  • Review: The Hot Chocolate Incident (Remote) | Improbable Escapes HQ

    Website | Based In: Kingston, ON, Canada OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Avatar-Led Remote Escape , produced exclusively for the holiday seasons by Improbable Escapes. had put in for this seasonal, temporary-only escape room. Never did I ever do this in any escape game... or in my life, if I recall correctly!) ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: The Return Of The Magician (Livestream) (Remote) | UNLOCKED: Escape Room

    room company in Orange County called UNLOCKED: Escape Room. Regrettably but extremely truthfully, most escape rooms are one-and-done deals. It was one of the most ideal, mentally focused escape games in nearby cities. The Return Of The Magician (Livestream) | UNLOCKED: Escape Room READY FOR FUN? ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Atlantis (360° Virtual Experience) | Escape Room LA

    In: Los Angeles, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Point & Click Escape Atlantis (360° Virtual Experience) | Escape Room LA OVERALL IMPRESSIONS Escape Room LA boasts boldly Atlantis (360° Virtual Experience) | Escape Room LA READY FOR FUN? If you BOOK due to this blog, please give a shout-out! ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Santa's Hard Disk Broke! | Can You Escape? Malta

    is a Christmas-themed online virtual escape game designed by the puzzle makers from Can You Escape? | Can You Escape? I see this setup potentially being converted for mobile tabletop rental play for live company events | Can You Escape? ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Episode Three: Humanity 2.0 | clueQuest (Print + Cut + Escape)

    . 🕹️ Episode Three: Humanity 2.0 🌐 clueQuest ▪ clueQuest "Print + Cut + Escape" 🗺️ Based In United Minutes ▪ 💪 3/5 ▪ 🔢 N/A THE PREMISE 📚 In Humanity 2.0, your mission is to help Mr Q and his team escape these (similar) titles: Stolen IQ (most similar), and other general print & play titles, like ones from Escape ▪ Gaming format stays mostly the same, you "Print + Cut + Escape" as previous episodes. Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Villainous Vaccine Ventures | Control The Escape

    Villainous Vaccine Ventures from Control The Escape (Based In The United Kingdom) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Point & Click Escape Room 💪 Difficulty not specified. ⏲️ A well done, but by the book escape game most apt for beginners. In either case, it sets up adequately for your two scientists' needs to escape, and quick! Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Level Up | Escape Hunt UK

    Level Up 💪 Difficulty: N/A ⏲️ Time: 1 Hour 🧑 Capacity: 2-6 Players (Per Website) 🏢 Company: Escape old console from the 1980s in the attic, a dangerous computer virus hiding in the software starts to escape Again, being visually stunning really is a strong point from Escape Hunt. But to debate about this in the same universe in which a software virus escaped into the real world, Instagram @EscapeMattster • ◣ DISCLAIMERS ⤻ Though game access was complimentary

  • Review: Unlocked: Rogue Scientist 1990 | The Escape Game: Unlocked

    Unlocked: Rogue Scientist 1990 from The Escape Game (Based In The United States) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Only 1 puzzle stumped me, but I got through it without any hint. 🔢 Ideal Team Size: For fanatics of escape Because as far as affordable escape-room-like online games go, TEG absolutely knows their core audience Unlocked: Rogue Scientist 1990 | Credits: The Escape Game: Unlocked MY AGE IS SHOWING "Rogue Scientist Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Hanna Unlocked | The Escape Game: Unlocked

    FACTS 🎮 Game: Hanna Unlocked 💪 Difficulty: N/A ⏲️ Time: N/A 🧑 Capacity: N/A 🏢 Company: The Escape Two: Marissa Wiegler could have been involved in the escape. Some things aren't adding up. It's a tedious task, within an escape game or otherwise. from the seasoned producers of The Escape Game is always worth the time. Instagram @EscapeMattster • ◣ DISCLAIMERS ⤻ All media credited to contents

  • Review: Atlantis | Escape Room LA

    Find all of the pieces and escape before your air supply runs out! And now, read away, my lovely readers: Escape Room LA has been on my escape gaming radar for a while, The escape room business itself is beautifully modeled, though physically located in an iffier part of Atlantis ▪ Escape Room LA READY FOR FUN? "Atlantis" is available for booking HERE. ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Operation Nightwalker (Remote) | MindTrap Escape Room (Murrieta)

    Operation Nightwalker from Mindtrap Escape Room (Based In Murrieta, CA, USA) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Avatar-Led Remote Escape Rooms 💪 Rated as 8/10 (for in-person version) by company. Operation Nightwalker (Remote) | Credits: MindTrap Escape Room (Murrieta) What follows the next hour Operation Nightwalker (Remote) | Credits: MindTrap Escape Room (Murrieta) The avatar (and the second @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure: complimentary game access was generously

  • Review: Seen (Remote) | Mystery Mansion Regina Escape Rooms

    Seen from Mystery Mansion Escape Rooms (Based In Regina, Canada) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Remote Escape Rooms 💪 Rated 5/10 by company. ⏲️ 60 minutes duration limit. 🔢 Accommodating 3- company.) 🍵 Boils Down To: A more flippant version of "help hostage survive before it's too late" escape Seen (Remote) | Credits: Mystery Mansion Regina Escape Rooms Production & More • A Killer Déjà Vu In Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: 20000 Leagues Under The Sea (Remote) | Novel Escape

    JUMP TO: THE INFO | THE GALLERY | THE GUIDE | THE REVIEW THE INFO 20000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA | NOVEL ESCAPE 2-6 Recommended 📚 You're a prisoner on a submarine, and the captain has offered you one chance at escape Our remote escape room is just like our in-house game, minus the germs!) For those who enjoy reading classic tales and solving escape puzzles in their free time--Novel Escape Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Lost Treasure Of Sarang Rimau | Lockdown Escape Singapore

    : THE INFO | THE GALLERY | THE GUIDE | THE REVIEW THE INFO LOST TREASURE OF SARANG RIMAU | LOCKDOWN ESCAPE THE GALLERY Lost Treasure Of Sarang Rimau | Lockdown Escape Singapore THE (QUICK) GUIDE THIS, IN A NUTSHELL THE (FULL) REVIEW Travel all over Fort Siloso via a virtual tour | Lockdown Escape Singapore IMPRESSIONS Solve puzzles with your team via Limnu whiteboard | Lockdown Escape Singapore PUZZLES ▪ The puzzles are Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: The Cabin | District 3 Escape Rooms

    ◣ VENUE FACT SHEET 🏢 COMPANY: District 3 Escape Rooms 💻 WEBSITE: Company | Online Games 🏘️ ADDRESS ◄ escaped yet another cabin! But this time it's a Canadian cabin, eh? shares of cabin escapes. Having witnessed this feature, I feel like every virtual escape room should do this. : Instagram @EscapeMattster • ◣ DISCLAIMERS "Escape Mattster" thanks the

  • Review: Super Squad | Trapped Puzzle Rooms Audio Escape Adventures

    | Based In: Minnesota, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Host Led Experience » Audio-Led Escape While one can certainly livestream and provide remote escape room experience through an avatar, it may Trapped Puzzle Rooms Audio Escape Adventures, thankfully, do not at all fall into this category. All in all, $15 a person for up to 90 minutes of unconventional puzzle-escape fun? ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: The Lost Pyramid | Escape Room LA

    Escape Room LA presents... "THE LOST PYRAMID" (AUDIO LED ESCAPE GAME) ✧ Played In Jul 2020 • Team of 2 Players • Success! Room LA offers a total of 3 live streaming, audio led escape rooms. : Instagram @EscapeMattster • ► DISCLAIMERS ◄ All official media are provided FROM PLANET X (AUDIO LED) - Escape Room LA | Review ⤻ THE CURSE OF THE DARK RAVEN (AUDIO LED) - Escape

  • Review: The Haunted Theatre (360° Virtual Experience) | Escape Room LA

    In: Los Angeles, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Point & Click Escape The Haunted Theatre (360° Virtual Experience) | Escape Room LA OVERALL IMPRESSIONS "The Haunted Theatre Room LA, and they are both just absolute treats in the genre of online escape rooms. Escape Room LA may say this isn't a horror-themed room, but it isn't totally devoid of scares, either ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Episode Two: Alpha Brain System | clueQuest (Print + Cut + Escape)

    . 🕹️ Episode Two: Alpha Brain System 🌐 clueQuest ▪ clueQuest "Print + Cut + Escape" 🗺️ Based In ▪ ...Are a veteran escape game player and need something moderately challenging that easily passes 1 The game format is branded as "Print + Cut + Escape" by UK escape room company publisher clueQuest. If there is any limitation to the "Print + Cut + Escape" games, this would be it, that it'll always be Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Neverland: Heist On The High Seas (Remote) | Improbable Escapes: Wonderland Cafe

    Website | Based In: Kingston, ON, Canada OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Avatar-Led Remote Escape You have 60 minutes to dodge Hook’s clutches, find your way to Neverland and escape with riches untold (They are both real life, physical escape rooms located in the same Wonderland Café venue.) with Improbable Escapes, and this was no exception. ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: The Heist (Remote) | The Escape Game (Nashville)

    The Escape Game presents... "THE HEIST" (REMOTE VERSION) ► VENUE AND GAME INFORMATION ◄ 🏢 COMPANY: The Escape Game 🏘️ ADDRESS: If an escape room is more brawl than brain, I'd rather save it for later as an in-person game. A little round of applause for your silly Escape Mattster. Heh. Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: KGB (Remote) | Amaze Escape Events

    Amaze Escape Events presents... You need to help her escape from the grasp of the KGB. "KGB" from Amaze Escape Events was not messing around. See you again soon via Zoom, Amaze Escape. Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: The Vanishing Act Remote (Remote) | Locurio Escape Rooms

    Company Website | Based In: Seattle, WA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Avatar-Led Remote Escape The Vanishing Act Remote (Remote) | Locurio Escape Rooms Most noticeably, Noximillian's dressing room We're a team of reasonably seasoned escape artists (featuring my favorite overseas blogger buddies and The Vanishing Act Remote (Remote) | Locurio Escape Rooms EXTRA TIPS ★ Things are long and colorful for ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ All media are

  • Review: Tunnelling Through Time | Deadlocked Escape Rooms & Brunel Museum

    JUMP TO: THE INFO | THE GALLERY | THE REVIEW THE INFO TUNNELLING THROUGH TIME | DEADLOCKED ESCAPE ROOMS online puzzle game created by Deadlocked Escape Rooms and Brunel Museum. Escape the room in the 1800s! | Deadlocked Escape Rooms & Brunel Museum PUZZLES ▪ This wouldn't be an escape and puzzle game blog if Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure

  • Review: Have You Got What It Takes To Be An Elf? | Escape Room LA

    Based In: Los Angeles, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Host Led Experience » Audio-Led Escape is a fun little holiday special, 5-week limited-run game from the minds of Escape Room LA. | Escape Room LA I was initially confused on how the game would go about. | Escape Room LA EXTRA TIPS ★ Googling may be needed for puzzles requiring outside knowledge. ;) Signing off, ESCAPE MATTSTER Instagram @EscapeMattster ▪ Full disclosure












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I am Matt, aka Escape Mattster (Matt + Master... It's a pun!). I am a Southern California-based escape rooms and puzzle games enthusiast from United States, chronicling my puzzling and brainteasing journey one passionate blog entry at a time!


Please stay and enjoy some of my signature in-depth, thoughtful, and geek-tastic reviews! And please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Copyright ©2019-2021. All rights reserved.


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