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235 items found for "bluefish-games"

  • Review: The Psych Ward (Encore) | Cross Roads Escape Games

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Anaheim, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 💪 Difficulty: Every game Private booking. 💬 Hints: An in-character actor/game master would stay inside the room with you; they ;) MATTSTER'S REC 💪 Difficulty (as perceived by Mattster): Not applicable to the game itself, but the To sum up, though I was outed as insane early on in the game (boo!) The Psych Ward ▪ Cross Roads Escape Games READY FOR FUN?

  • Review: The Heist, Vol. 2: The Silk Road | The Escape Game: Unlocked

    The Escape Game presents... Sure, sure, the game at its core can still achieve the same puzzle solving fulfillment even with less in-game ("fake") websites for vital investigation. Some games just gets you better, you know? Finally, I thank The Escape Game for reaching out for this review opportunity.

  • Review: The Heist, Vol. 1: Chasing Hahn | The Escape Game: Unlocked

    The Escape Game presents... a live escape game via conference app Zoom, enjoy an actual board game named "Escape From Iron Gate", This is a classic game of cat and mouse chase with little explanation needed. I guess agents use Macs in this game ▪ The Escape Game: Unlocked REMINISCENCE OF "MONTHLY MYSTERY" The I personally rate this game easy to medium, at most.

  • Review: Carnival E. Scape | Containment Escape Games

    Scape | Containment Escape Games GAME INFO COMPANY: Containment Escape Games ADDRES: 936 W Foothill Blvd , Claremont, CA 91711 GAME: Carnival E. Scape THEME: Fair Games, Lighthearted Mystery GAME REVIEW Here is a carbon copy of my Yelp review, posted He wasted no time to invite us to our first midway game of the night. But the actual story line mattered little, because we're here for amusement games!

  • Review: The Villain's Lair | Exit Game (Los Angeles)

    "The Villain's Lair" is one of 5 solid entries Exit Game has to offer | Exit Game (Los Angeles) I am wearing a shirt featuring many great escape room companies--including Exit Game | Exit Game (Los Angeles ) GAME INFO COMPANY: Exit Game (Los Angeles) ADDRESS: 111 N Atlantic Blvd Ste 148, Monterey Park, CA in terms of design, visual, game play, and puzzle structure. booked 5 public games, but not once was I paired up with strangers.

  • Review: School Of Sorcery | Exit Game (Los Angeles)

    ▪ Exit Game (Los Angeles) GAME INFO LOCATION: Exit Game (Los Angeles) ADDRESS: 111 N Atlantic Blvd Ste Sorcery was the most elaborately decorated room of all the games I'd done thus far at Exit Game. through the art of gaming! In general, the more tech a game uses, and the farther away a game steps away from the so-called Gen Exit Game's forte is continually game play, and that continues to stay true in my experience.

  • Review: The Fun House | Cross Roads Escape Games

    . ▪ Cross Roads Escape Games GAME INFO COMPANY: Cross Roads Escape Games ADDRESS: 4245 E La Palma Ave , Anaheim, CA 92807 GAME: The Fun House PREMISE: Come one, come all! GAME REVIEW Here is a carbon copy of my Yelp review, posted originally on 12/02/2017: This is my updated As its name implies, this is a house of fun, a house that one may see at a carnival. So experts out there, just skip asking for clues for the truly difficult game that you crave.

  • Review: An Hour To Kill | Exit Game (Los Angeles)

    Can't do proper spying without all-black get-ups ▪ Exit Game (Los Angeles) GAME INFO LOCATION: Exit Game GAME REVIEW Here is a carbon copy of my Yelp review, posted originally on 01/07/2018: I booked my game The 6 of us got a "private" game! Yay! was a GREAT VENUE to play escape games. I sweated during the game!)

  • Review: The Hex Room | Cross Roads Escape Games

    An all Asian cast horror flick--Crazy Stitch Asians ▪ Cross Roads Escape Games GAME INFO COMPANY: Cross Roads Escape Games ADDRESS: 4245 E La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92807 GAME: The Hex Room PREMISE: Can you be assigned to what role during the game. He emphasized communication is the key to beating the game. Which leads me to: the clue system in this game.

  • Review: Mission Breakout: The Ultimate Bank Heist | Mission Escape Games (Anaheim)

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Anaheim, CA, USA OFFICIAL SPEC 💪 Difficulty: Not specified MATTSTER'S ANALYSIS First, a special note: This game play took place before pandemic announcement in It makes perfect sense that game designers, err, security team employed era-appropriate tools to protect Mission Breakout: The Ultimate Bank Heist ▪ Mission Escape Games (Anaheim) But wait, what's this? Mission Breakout: The Ultimate Bank Heist ▪ Mission Escape Games (Anaheim) READY FOR FUN?

  • Review: The Pharaoh's Curse | The Hidden Passage Live Escape Room Games

    GAME INFO COMPANY: The Hidden Passage Live Escape Room Games ADDRESS: 7430 Coldwater Cyn Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91605 GAME: The Pharaoh's Curse THEME: Egytian Tomb, Cursed Excavation GAME REVIEW Here The entire game area was extremely large, rivaling the likes of 60Out. The fact that we didn't escape was not why I had to "grade down" this game. ...No game is without flaws, and Pharaoh's Curse was no exception.

  • Review: The Lab (Formerly Known As Lab 51) | Exit Game (Los Angeles)

    .) ▪ Exit Game (Los Angeles) GAME INFO LOCATION: Exit Game (Los Angeles) ADDRESS: 111 N Atlantic Blvd Exit Game, hands down, is one of the best at immersing their patrons in their story line. To offer you a helpful advice for games at Exit Game: pay attention to all the clues that you see now What a great game. A huge win for everyone through and through. Well, (Spoiler!) Otherwise, Exit Game offers some of the most unique games out there!

  • Review: A Pirates Life | Try2Escape By Leisure King

    A Pirates Life from Try2Escape (Based In The United Kingdom) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty not specified by company. ⏲️ Time duration not specified by company 1, most puzzles range from 2 to 4/10, but mostly due to repetitive tasks. 🔢 Ideal Team Size: This game (Our game also includes a printable PDF which includes learn how to speak like a pirate, drink ideas Each game webpage follows the same standardized format: story, puzzle, hints, and solution input.

  • Review: Mansion: Impossible | The Panic Room

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Gravesend, Kent, UK OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty: Low to medium difficulty (for age 6+). ⏲️ Time duration: 1 to The web interface hosting the game is straightforward and easy to pick up. The puzzles are varied enough to merit a positive game play, but they are mostly common setups I've seen beyond the limit more, perhaps either a bit more dreadful and scarier, it would've elevated this online game

  • Review: Alone Together 3: Together At Heart | Enchambered: Sacramento Escape Room

    . 🕹️ Alone Together 3: Together At Heart 🌐 Enchambered ▪ Puzzles & Games 🗺️ Based In United States THE GUIDE THIS IS CLASSIFIED AS... ▪ Play At Home » Purely Online Digital Game ▪ Cooperative (Co-op) Communication Puzzle Game YOU'LL ENJOY THIS, IF YOU... ▪ ...Have already enjoyed Enchambered's previous If you happen to be on the same frequency, you may just fly through the game! (In the original game, there is no story.)

  • Review: Clue Kingdom, Chapter 1: The Enchanted Forest | The Panic Room

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Gravesend, Kent, UK OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty: Medium difficulty (for age 10+). ⏲️ Time duration: Approximately Forest" is a representative indication, then this is probably one of the most ambitious online escape game It feels very video game level-ish, and I am already looking forward to completing all 6 episodes. The game starts off simple enough with a gen-1, padlock style classic brainteaser, then gradually ramps

  • Review: The Bewitched Circus | Society Of Curiosities

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: United States OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty: Recommended for age 12+. ⏲️ Time duration: 30 to 90 minutes. 🔢 Capacity: 1 to 4 players. 💬 Hints: Hints system same as previous Society Of Curiosities games. Ideally, you and your partner should both have your own devices to load the game and its clues. This occurs early on in the game, though I've mistakenly repeated this tactic later on.

  • Review: CSI: Christmas Scene Investigation | The Panic Room

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Gravesend, Kent, UK OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games Now, this holiday special game, titled "CSI: Christmas Scene Investigation", does indeed share its name Carol is perhaps the best part of this game. game. Carol's game. In fact, I think we should just rename the game to "CSI: Carol Scene Investigation".

  • Review: Sherlock Holmes | The Panic Room

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Gravesend, Kent, UK OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty: Medium to high difficulty (for age 10+). ⏲️ Time duration: 1 to Rarely do I recommend more than 1 for these online games, but this title actually provides the adequate This actually felt like detective work, as opposed to an conspicuous puzzle game. This remainder of the game would continue to follow this basic format.

  • Review: The Emerald Flame (Prototype Version) | PostCurious

    The Emerald Flame (Prototype Version) from PostCurious (Based In The United States) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹 ️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Tabletop Narrative Puzzle Game 💪 Includes "puzzles Helpful nudges reveal one at a time to assist players to solve as much as possible. 📝 Game requires Of the tens of pieces of game artifacts used in-game, most printed media features the aforementioned Part 1 is heavily logic puzzles based, which initially gave me much anxiety about the game's overall

  • Review: Carnival | Edaqa's Room

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Germany OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Come; show your mettle; beat the carnies at their own games. If you were not part of the fad then, you can explore a list of such games right here. Also noteworthy is that the game never once tries to trick the players. Make sure to collect all 4 Easter eggs before exiting the game!

  • Review: National Elf Service | Fast Familiar

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: United Kingdom OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Interactive Story Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty: Not specified. National Elf Service is a puzzle game for anyone who feels low low low on the ‘ho ho ho’... This interactive story puzzle game is engaging, cheerful, and it's got a lot of hearts--it's the very as gaming checkpoints that punctuated the story.

  • Review: Airlock | @RussBuilds On Instagram

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: United Kingdom OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Host Led Experience » Mobile Tabletop Escape Game 💪 Difficulty: Not specified. ⏲️ Time duration: OVERALL IMPRESSIONS "Airlock" is my second escape game experience with British hobbyist Russell, and At the core, Russ didn't alter what makes his games signature and successful. So I took a hint in exchange for a time point penalty (same points system from previous game remains)

  • Review: Unboxing The Mind Of A Cryptic Killer | Eleven Puzzles

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: Poland & Scotland OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Cooperative Puzzle Game 💪 Difficulty: 3/5. ⏲️ Time duration: Around 90 minutes ➲ A co-op online puzzle game that separates clues needed between two teams, combine info from 2 sides area on both teams' screens makes game more approachable even for novice. ➲ Main challenge focuses When it came to puzzle format, the game made use of visual clues, sound cues, and fairly often, user

  • Review: Escape The Mailbox | Access Escape

    Game Website | Company Website | Based In: London, UK OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » Online Puzzle Game » Puzzle Email Subscription Service 💪 Difficulty: Not specified. ⏲️ Time duration: About It's a "play this when you're bored by yourself" type of game. Each game is designed to keep you busy for roughly half an hour. Key word: FREE! Below are my specific thoughts on each monthly game published so far...












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I am Matt, aka Escape Mattster (Matt + Master... It's a pun!). I am a Southern California-based escape rooms and puzzle games enthusiast from United States, chronicling my puzzling and brainteasing journey one passionate blog entry at a time!


Please stay and enjoy some of my signature in-depth, thoughtful, and geek-tastic reviews! And please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Copyright ©2019-2021. All rights reserved.


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