250 items found for "smart-play"
Blog Posts (235)
- Review: The Mysterious Case | 60Out Escape Rooms
| Based In: United States OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Print & Play A free downloadable print-and-play activity game has emerged a few months ago, and I gotta say, this This is all so Sherlock Holmes-esque, and even though I didn't actually get to play this as intended, IMMERSION ➤ I usually won't even consider immersion for most print-and-plays, since it's usually slim evidence and logic, versus just handing them the answer with another word-play riddle.
- Review: Letters To Santa | Cryptic Enigmas
Based In: United Kingdom OFFICIAL SPEC 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Print & Play IMPRESSIONS The last time I've interacted with anything from the Cryptic brand, it was for a free print-and-play special puzzle package named "Letters To Santa", and just like the previous NHS game, it's free to play While technically still adapted to a print-and-play format, this Christmas activity doesn't demand any The game maker designed "Letters" with this kind of scenario in mind; even if a player completely botched
- Review: Houdini's Secret Room | Escape Room Geeks
Play 🏘️ Location: Based in North Macedonia 🛒 To Purchase Game ◣ FORMAT SPECS 🕹️ Format: Print & Play Puzzle Game ✂️ Tools: Color Printer, A4 Papers, Glue, Scissors, Pencil, Stapler/Tape 💻 Platform : Web Browser (For Playing Along) 📰 Media Used: Print Media, Text, Images ◣ THE PREMISE The 150-year-old However, if you prefer to play along, an alternative, no set up experience is also available. Play"
Other Pages (15)
- By-Mail & On-Hand Products | Escape Mattster: Escape Rooms & Puzzle Games Review
Mail & On-Hand Products TANGIBLE ITEMS REQUIRED This last category of play-at-home games is one that PRINT AND PLAY: Unlike the previous two categories, there's absolutely no traveling or waiting required with "Print And Play". Many products now incorporate the internet for game play, hints system, and/or solution verification.
- All Available Posts | Escape Mattster: Escape Rooms & Puzzle Games Review Blog
Alternatively, you can sort these reviews with the main menu items above, via "(Play) At Home", "Sort
- Avatar-Led Remote Escape Rooms | Escape Mattster: Escape Rooms & Games Review Bl
Then, all players, a game master referred as the "avatar", and other game hosting staff enter the same The players then command this avatar to act on their behalf, to explore, to search, and to investigate Review: Haunted (Remote) | District 3 Escape Rooms 0 Escape Mattster Jul 17, 2020 5 min Review: Remote Play